Yahoo! Groups of CIAA


For the benefit of people with Email access CIAA has introduced E-Groups now called Yahoo! Groups. You can join the amateurs_ciaa group the official Yahoo! group of CIAA and share information, store photographs and files, coordinate events and many more! Subscribers will receive / send the emails send by other group members and your email will be send to all the other group members. You are requested to use this group for the promotion and sharing of astronomy only.

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In case of problem in joining please feel free to contact Group Moderator, by email clearly giving the mail id you have subscribed with.


To faciliate easy communications amongst the amateur astronomer community through out the country and encourage invididuals take up the wonderful hobby of astronomy, astro-photography, sky watching, astronomy software, space sciences and Telescope we have compiled a list various Yahoo! groups operating from India. The list is not exhaustive and the information has been taken from various sources. Please update us with the details of other groups which can be of similar interest. You may send link of the group by email at Assistant Secretary

The groups are listed in random order and one needs to subscribe to them individually following the rules and regulation of the respective group. The information is for the promotion of astronomy in India and CIAA do not take any responsibility of the discussion and contents of any particular group.


Yahoo! & MSN Groups of India

Amateur Astronomers Association of Delhi
Delhi amateur astronomer's forum Welcome to the UNOFFCIAL e-group of AAAD (Amateur Astronomers Association of Delhi). Join us to enjoy the good things in watching "heavenly Bodies" ;-)  Whatever said or mailed on this list by various members of the group, is in their own capacity as an individual, Moderator and owner of the group or AAAD can not be held responsible for that
CIAA Yahoo Group
Mailing list for all the members of Confederation of Indian Amateur Astronomers and for those who love Astronomy 
Astronomy Clubs of India
This is a group of individuals in India interested in carrying out activities in the field of astronomy and allied sciences. If you are student, a beginner or a seasoned astronomer and would like to learn more or ask questions or would like to share your experience, you are free join. Though astronomy and space science in the main topic you are free to post any stories human interest, as long you do not break the laws of our country. We all belive that astronomy can also be fun. Though most of our members are from India membership is not restricted to that. You can be from any part of this world to join as long as you stick to the subject. This an equal opportunity group.
Nehru Planetarium Group
Anyone with an interest in astronomy please step in and join us. We are a mixed group, beginners and those wishing to befriend the shy, seasoned amateurs and professional astronomers. This is an India based group with the current membership strongly Indian. This is not necessary however, and we do discuss sky events for all the locations where members are present
Astro Photographers of India
Astrophotographers in India : Share your experiences and expertise of equipment, technology, techniques available in India.[kindly introduce yourself in your request to Join the group]
Amateur Telescope Makers Yahoo! Group
Hello everyone, Welcome to Amateur telescope makers group of India. In spite of the fact that there are many Indian groups related to astronomy. There was no single place dedicated for Indian people having interest in making there own telescopes. There is a serious lack of help and support in this country for us. This group can be a good start for newbies as well as professional telescope makers to exchange ideas, concepts, and of course info about telescopes and telescopic products. This group ... more
Indian Telescope Owners
This group is for amateur astronomers in India who have telescopes. A telescope is required since we will post messages regarding observations through telescopes. We wish to form a belt of amateur astronomers all over India having telescopes. 
Khagol Mandal Group
Visit our Website : Please NOTE THE CHANGE : ".org" to ".com" PLEASE NOTE: NEW MEMBERSHIP NOW REQUIRES ADMIN APPROVAL w.e.f. 24th August 2003
Astro Crazy Group
Aha! Welcome, dear voyager! We are a bunch of celestial flirts from and around Bombay, India who were gravitated toward each other when we were a part of Mumbai (Bombay) University's June-December 2002 Batch of Basic astronomy. We would love to hear from you no matter which orbit (country) you are from and no matter which element you are made up of (or rather from which field of interest you are coming from)! Welcome!
Rajkot Astronomers
Astronomy Group Of Rajkot - India Hii, Are you really interested in astronomy ... "? and u live in Rajkot-Gujarat-India then u can be a member of this club.... and also u r really interested and not live in Rajkot then also be . . . . Our group is open to all astronomers . . .
Association of Bangalore Amateur Astronomers

A group of Amateur Astronomers from Bangalore who are intrested in making telescopes, Deep sky observations, educating public and school children about astronomy

The Amateur Astronomer's Association of Vadodara (AAAV)
The Amateur Astronomer's Association of Vadodara (AAAV) is an as semblage of amateur astronomers engaged in promotion and popularisation of astronomy as a hobby, serious observational activities, lecture sessions and opposing the influx of superstitious beliefs like astronomy etc. amongst the masses.Since its birth in January 1996, this association is engaged in the following regular activities..
Coimbatore Astronomy Club
Dombivli Amateur Astronomers
Group of amateur astronomers in Dombivli(India).Group is of young people and continuously looking for the knowldge in astronomical sciences.Anybody who wants to join the group can forward the address and join the group.Astronomy discussions are always welcome.
KUTUHAL Nagpur Astronomers
Group of amateur astronomers associated with KUTUHAL, Nagpur, India 
Kutch Amateur Astronomers Club
Group of Amateur Astronomers from Bhuj-Kutch, Gujarat India. Started by Narendra Sagar Gor 
Maharashtra Institute of Technology Astronomy Club
MIT Astronomy Club Club of Maharashtra Institute of Technology Pune, Maharashtra, India
Caldwell Objects Observers of India
The group aims at publishing the booklet on Caldwell objects by the amateur astronomers in IndiaCode Name The group aims at publishing the booklet on Caldwell objects by the amateur astronomers in India Code Name Project Caldwell - Another small step by Indian amateurs, a giant leap for amateur astronomy in India!
Vega Club Mumbai
indian group .practical astronomy ,simple instruments.perfect for one starting and into astronomy.montntly sky trips in mumbai .Friendly atmosphere. Study material provided.Vibrating group .Online discussions and chats with senior members.For one treting astronomy as a hobby ,interest and profession(for some). Professional touch with Indian accent .duration 10 years old.Inviting more members..... 
Venus Transit Group started by Nehruplanetarium
Welcome to the Venus Transit group, formed to facilitate exchange of questions, answers, thoughts and finally - observations, between people interested in this event. Please join the group, post introducing yourselves, your geography, equipment and observation plans
The AAA (Bombay) MSN Group Welcome to the AAA (Bombay) MSN group. This group features astronomical events, astrophotography, observation techniques and reports, astronomy news, astronomical lectures and field trips and other fascinating details about this exciting hobby. I am sure you are enthralled by this fascinating world of Astronomy! Vikrant Paralkar

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